Thursday 26 April 2012

I can't write anymore!!!

Writing, at its best, is a lonely life. Organizations for writers palliate the writer’s loneliness, but I doubt if they improve his writing. He grows in public stature as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates. For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day. - Ernest Hemingway
Actually, I believe writing was the first truly verifiable and effective form of magic. Think of how it must have impressed people in ancient times! To look at historical marks, pressed into fired clay, and know that they convey the words of scribes and kings long dead -- it must have seemed fantastic. Knowledge, wisdom and art could finally accumulate, and death was cheated one part of its sting.
Still, let me admit and avow that writing was not my own first choice of a career. But I wanted something else -- to be a Software Engineer, a trainer or a Banker. And by the fates, I became one.
I also had this hobby though -- writing stories -- and it provided a lot of satisfaction. I always figured that I'd scribble a few stories a year... maybe a novel now and then... while striving to become the best researcher and trainer I could be.
They say writing is a lonely profession and in many ways they’re right. It is. Back when RK Narayan or Munshi Premchand time, writers never had any real interaction with their fans and readers other than at book signings, conventions and chance meetings, or through snail-mail. But now we have blogs, facebook, twitter.
Today, we are in constant contact with our fans and you guys are as much a part of my family as my family is :) Just like with any friend, we share laughter and tears and encourage each other. No, it’s not without its drawbacks, but then no relationship ever is. We are naked with each other. We see good days and bad days. Y’all never fail to tell me how you feel about things and if my publisher has a question about something such as a cover style, I can get your feedback immediately.
I cherish that, just as I cherish the encouragements you send. You guys touch me deep in my heart and I adore all the smiles you give me. There’s not a day that goes by I don’t choke up from your thoughtfulness. It can be a simple statement of, “Love your books.” Or the photo of someone with a tattoo of my books, a quote from the series or a photo of my books sitting on your shelves. I love the glimpses into your lives. The anecdotes and advice we share. The book recommendations. I cherish every one. And yet, there are times I get incredibly lonely.
Because I’ve lost so many people in my life unexpectedly, I make sure every day to tell my family how much they mean to me. And that’s something I do my best to practice with all of you too. I don’t want you to ever think that I take you for granted or that I’m not deeply appreciative and touched by all the wonderful things you guys do. Because of the sheer number of posts and emails, I can’t always comment on everything sent, read or seen, but I wanted all of you to know that I do read it all and see it all, and that I love you for it. But, now there is a part of me that wants to say good bye to writing. I think, now I am done with writing!!!!

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